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W. Coast Ocean Alliance Releases Tribal Engagement Guidance Document

The West Coast Ocean Alliance today announced its Tribal Caucus’ release of “Guidance and Responsibilities for Effective Tribal Consultation, Communication, and Engagement: A Guide for Agencies Working with West Coast Tribes on Ocean & Coastal Issues.” The guidance includes principles for consultation and best practices for consultation that address early and frequent communication, appropriate representation, understanding and respecting [...]

NOAA Announces Cloud and Data Strategies

NOAA today announced the release of Cloud and Data strategies that the agency called “integral to…dramatically expand[ing] emerging science and technology that will drive innovation and guide transformative advancements in NOAA’s science, products and services.” NOAA said that the Data strategy will help improve the management and overall value of the agency’s data, noting that it codifies existing [...]

Coast Guard Reopens Comment Period on Alaskan Arctic Coast PARS

In order to “provide adequate opportunity for public meetings in impacted Arctic communities, given recent COVID–19 impacts to travel,” the Coast Guard today announced that it is reopening the comment period through Sept. 30, 2021 on its preparation of an Alaskan Arctic Coast Port Access Route Study to evaluate the need for establishing vessel routing measures.  The comment [...]

BOEM Announces Funding Award for Ocean Sustainability Projects

In collaboration with the National Science Foundation and 16 international partners and through the Belmont Forum, the Interior Department’s Bureau of Ocean Energy Management today announced the award of funding for two 3-year projects to study multiple uses of the oceans, with a focus on identifying pathways toward responsible development and minimizing conflicts. The projects – “An Assessment Framework for [...]

BOEM Announces Completion of Paleocultural Landscapes Project

The Interior Department’s Bureau of Ocean Energy Management today announced the completion of a 6-year study to help establish a methodology for better locating, identifying, and understanding ancient sites where indigenous people may have been present in federal waters. BOEM notes that the study results, which include best practices to improve the effectiveness of tribal engagement and [...]

NOPC to Present at RDC Annual Conference

The National Ocean Policy Coalition has been invited to speak at the Resource Development Council for Alaska’s 40th Annual Conference, to be held in Anchorage on Nov. 20-21.  Executive Director Brent Greenfield will provide remarks on “U.S. Ocean Policy: Past, Present, and Future.” Other speakers throughout the 2-day event include representatives from the Pacific Seafood Processors Association, Sealaska Corporation, NANA Regional Corporation, Council [...]

Groups Mark 1-Year Anniversary of New Ocean Policy

Marking the 1-year anniversary of the establishment of the nation’s new ocean policy to advance U.S. economic, security, and environmental interests, commercial and recreational groups from around the country today issued the following statements of continued support for this effort. NATIONAL OCEAN POLICY COALITION “Our new policy for the nation’s oceans, coasts, and Great Lakes is [...]

NOPC Adopts A Beach

NOPC is excited to announce that we have adopted a beach at 16 Mile Road in Galveston, Texas!  Our first cleanup will be on Saturday, June 22.  Please contact us for details if you are interested in participating.

June 2019 Proclaimed National Ocean Month

Continuing the tradition of previous administrations, the President today proclaimed June 2019 National Ocean Month.  The Proclamation notes the ocean’s role in supporting America’s economy, national security, and environment, citing a commitment to “developing new, innovative ways to protect our native aquatic species, reduce our reliance on foreign fish imports, and keep our fishery industry strong,” as well [...]

NOPC The Hill Op-Ed on New Ocean Policy

In an op-ed published today in The Hill, NOPC Managing Director Jack Belcher talked about the nation’s new ocean policy that was established by Executive Order on June 19, 2018: With the signing of an executive order on ocean policy, President Trump last week took an important step forward in securing lasting benefits from the nation’s [...]