NMFS Finds ESA Listings Not Warranted for Two Shark Species

NOAA’s National Marine Fisheries Service today announced its decision that an Endangered Species Act listing of the shortfin mako shark as threatened or endangered is not warranted.

The decision was made in response to a petition filed by Defenders of Wildlife.  The shortfin mako shark is found in all temperate and tropical ocean waters, including the western Atlantic, Gulf of Mexico, central Pacific, and eastern pacific.

NMFS last week also announced its decision that an Endangered Species Act listing of the great hammerhead shark as threatened or endangered and an associated critical habitat designation is not warranted.

The decision, including a finding that the great hammerhead shark population is increasing in the U.S. Atlantic region, was made in response to a petition filed by the Center for Biological Diversity.  NMFS previously reviewed the status of the great hammerhead shark in 2014.

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