Lubchenco Touts Administration’s Ocean Initiatives

In remarks at the 2022 Azul U.S. Latinos and the Ocean Poll Briefing EventWhite House Office of Science and Technology Policy Deputy Director for Climate and Environment Jane Lubchenco today highlighted several ocean-related initiatives being implemented by the Biden Administration.

As to 30×30, she said that the conservation effort “emphasizes the importance of locally-led conservation efforts, informed by evidence and knowledge” and “frames conservation action as intimately connected with climate and equity goals.”  Additionally, she noted the administration’s commitment to “sustainable management of 100% of our exclusive economic zones through a Sustainable Ocean Plan,” which she said would help “protect the ocean effectively, produce from it sustainably, and prosper from it equitably.”

Lubchenco said that the “balance of conservation, sustainable use, and equity makes for a powerful combination,” and that the Administration is also focused on working with local communities and diverse partners.

Other areas of federal action cited include the recent environmental justice position statement for ocean science and technology investments, development of ocean exploration and characterization priority areas, guidance on elevating Indigeouns Knowledge into federal science and decision-making, and development of an Ocean Climate Action Plan.

Additionally, Lubchenco referenced the creation of fully and highly protected marine protected areas, ocean’s role in carbon storage, clean energy development, and decarbonization of shipping as ways in which the ocean can help mitigate climate change impacts.

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