NMFS Highlights Whale Presence in New England Wind Energy Areas

NOAA’s National Marine Fisheries Service today highlighted a recent study finding an increased presence of North Atlantic rights whales in wind energy areas off Southern New England and noted the importance of engaging stakeholders to minimize potential impacts on right whales and other protected species.

Northeast Fisheries Science Center whale aerial survey team lead and study co-author Tim Cole said that wind farm construction and operation are “relevant to conserving” the right whale, adding that “[c]onsiderable uncertainty still exists regarding how the development of the region could have an impact on right whales just as they are becoming more reliant on the region.”

Cole added that mitigation measures implemented by wind energy developers “will be crucial, and should be adapted and reevaluated continually in relation to the whales’ use of the area,” further stating that “[g]iven the large-scale shifts that the species is experiencing, a variety of studies will be needed to understand potential changes in right whale distribution patterns and to inform appropriate strategies for future wind energy development.”

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