Northeast Regional Ocean Council Releases Draft Agenda for Dec. Meeting

The Northeast Regional Ocean Council (NROC) recently announced the release of a draft agenda for its Fall 2019 meeting in Portsmouth, NH on Monday, Dec. 16.

Agenda items include updates from the Ocean Planning, Coastal Hazards Resilience, and Ocean and Coastal Ecosystem Health Committees, updates and discussion on offshore wind planning and implementation in the Northeast, updates on NROC’s funding status and tribal engagement, discussion on NROC member priority projects and opportunities for collaboration, follow-up from the Gulf of Maine 2050 Symposium and next steps for addressing regional priorities, and ocean acidification project updates and requests for NROC direction.

NROC is a regional ocean partnership formed in 2005 by the Governors of Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Connecticut to provide a voluntary forum for states and federal partners to coordinate and collaborate on the development of goals and priorities and address regional coastal and ocean management challenges with creative solutions that support balanced uses and conservation of the Northeast’s ocean and coastal resources.

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