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NROC to Hold Public Meeting, Releases Webinar Materials

The Northeast Regional Ocean Council today announced that it will hold a virtual public meeting on Thursday, Nov. 12.  The meeting will include discussion about current budget and programmatic challenges and opportunities associated with the pandemic and results of the upcoming election, general updates, special topics such as coastal resilience, ocean planning, or others, and NROC Committee updates. [...]

EPA Announces Reforms to National Marine Diesel Engine Program

In a visit to Portland, ME today, Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Andrew Wheeler met with local lobstermen and announced amendments to the national marine diesel program “to provide much needed regulatory relief that will benefit America’s hardworking lobsterm[e]n and pilot boat captains.” To address concerns associated with obtaining and installing certified Tier 4 marine diesel engines in certain [...]

Comments Sought on Restoration Plan, Final Restoration Plans Announced

The Interior Department today announced that it is seeking comments by Tuesday, Sept. 22 on the Draft Restoration Plan and Environmental Assessment #7: Wetlands, Coastal, and Nearshore Habitats; and Birds, which was prepared by federal natural resource trustee agencies for the Louisiana Trustee Implementation Group.  The proposal includes ~$234 million to help restore bird habitat and marshes in Louisiana. NOAA’s National Marine Fisheries [...]

NMFS Announces First Aquaculture Opportunity Regions

In furtherance of the May 2020 Executive Order on Promoting American Seafood Competitiveness and Economic Growth, NOAA’s National Marine Fisheries Service today announced the selection of Southern California and the Gulf of Mexico as the first regions that will host Aquaculture Opportunity Areas.  Under the Order, the Commerce Secretary is tasked with identifying a total of 10 [...]

Nominations Sought for Gulf of Mexico Maritime Security Advisory Cmte.

The Coast Guard today announced that it is seeking nominations by Friday, Sept. 18 from individuals interested in serving as Vice Chairperson or Co-Chairperson (Planning and Exercises Subcommittee) on the 7-member Gulf of Mexico Area Maritime Security Advisory Committee. The ideal candidate for the Vice Chairperson position will have over 10 years of experience in security and/or emergency operations [...]

NOAA Announces Restoration Project Grants

NOAA today also announced the award of $3.1 million in grants to 21 small businesses in 14 states to support the development of technology for aquaculture, commercial and recreational fisheries, weather prediction, and earth and ocean observations and modeling. In making the announcement, Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross said that “[s]mall businesses across our Nation are catalysts for [...]

White House FY 2022 R&D Priorities Include Ocean, Arctic

White House Office of Management and Budget Director Russell Vought and Office of Science and Technology Policy Director Kelvin Droegemeier today issued a Memorandum to Executive Departments and Agencies outlining FY 2022 R&D budget priorities and cross-cutting actions. “American Energy and Environmental Leadership” is one of five R&D budget priorities.  In that section, the Memorandum identifies “understanding [...]

BOEM Announces Citizen’s Guide on Marine Minerals Leasing

The Interior Department’s Bureau of Ocean Energy Management today announced the availability of a Citizen’s Guide to inform the public on the agency’s leasing process for federal sand, gravel, and other mineral resources in U.S. waters.  The guide includes an outline of resource use, process milestones, and opportunities for public involvement. BOEM noted that while commercial hard mineral [...]

NOAA Announces Restoration Project Recommendations

NOAA’s National Marine Fisheries Service today announced NOAA’s Restoration Center recommendation of ~$13 million in funding for 31 new and continuing coastal and marine habitat restoration projects in 15 states and territories. The projects are designed to support sustainable fisheries, protected species, and resilience ecosystems and communities, including oysters, coral, and several fish and marine mammal species.

NMFS Highlights MAFAC Recommendations

National Marine Fisheries Service Deputy Assistant Admin. for Operations Paul Doremus today highlighted the work of the Marine Fisheries Advisory Committee, including its recent meeting that included completion of reports on seafood marketing and promotion and potential impacts of offshore wind development, sharing of experiences regarding COVID and impacts on fishermen and the industry, and endorsement of [...]