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Northeast RPB Releases Additional Materials for Nov. 2015 Meeting

The Northeast Regional Planning Body today released the following additional materials ahead of its Nov. 16-17 meeting in Portland, ME: Northeast Ocean Plan – Approaches to Content for Chapter 4 and 5 Northeast Ocean Plan – Draft of Section 4.1.1 Best Practices for Agency Coordination Northeast Ocean Plan Outline – Chapter 3 Addendum Northeast Ocean [...]

Northeast RPB Releases Materials for Nov. 2015 Meeting, Oct. 2015 Stakeholder Forum Summary

The Northeast Regional Planning Body today announced the availability of materials for its upcoming Nov. 16-17 meeting in Portland, ME. The RPB also announced the availability of a summary of the Oct. 2015 Stakeholder Forum held in Durham, NH. The RPB meeting is expected to include review of revised draft products and discussion of the RPB’s future [...]

Mid-Atlantic RPB Releases Sept. 2015 Meeting Materials, Announces Dec. 2015 Webinar

The Mid-Atlantic Regional Planning Body today announced the availability of a summary from the Sept. 2015 in-person meeting in Norfolk, VA. In addition, the RPB announced that it will hold a public webinar on Tuesday, Dec. 8 from 11:30 am to 2:00 p.m. Eastern to provide updates on activities since the September meeting, particularly with [...]

Northeast RPB Announces Release of CZMA Discussion Paper, Sept. 2015 EBM WG Meeting Materials

The Northeast Regional Planning Body today announced the availability of a NOAA-authored draft discussion paper on the use of ocean plans to further coordination actions under the Coastal Zone Management Act.  The purpose of the paper is to provide both the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic RPB’s with a discussion on how CZMA could be used to [...]

Northeast RPB Releases Additional Materials for Oct. 2015 Stakeholder Forum

The Northeast Regional Planning Body today announced the release of the following presentation materials for its upcoming Oct. 20 Stakeholder Forum in Durham, NH: RPB Update Monitoring and Evaluation Science and Research Implementation Roles Northeast Ocean Plan Outline: October 2015 Summary Draft Established in 2012 pursuant to the National Ocean Policy Executive Order, the Northeast RPB [...]

Northeast RPB Releases Draft Agenda for Oct. 2015 Stakeholder Forum

The Northeast Regional Planning Body today announced the release of a draft agenda for the upcoming Oct. 20 Stakeholder Forum in Portsmouth, NH.  Additional materials will be available next week. The purpose of the forum is to provide updates and discuss progress on the draft Northeast ocean plan and obtain input on potential approaches and [...]

Northeast RPB Releases Details on Sept. 2015 EBM WG Meeting

The Northeast Regional Planning Body today announced the availability of an agenda for an upcoming Sept. 30 inaugural meeting of the Ecosystem-Based Management Working Group in Portsmouth, NH.  The agenda includes a call-in number and webinar information for those who are unable to attend in person. The purpose of the meeting is to review the [...]

Mid-Atlantic RPB Releases Materials Ahead of Sept. 2015 Meeting & Workshop

The Mid-Atlantic Regional Planning Body today provided additional details and materials for an upcoming Sept. 22 workshop and RPB in-person meeting (Sept. 23-24) in Norfolk, VA. The Mid-Atlantic Regional Council on the Ocean workshop is intended to provide an opportunity to engage stakeholders on data, information, and draft actions to support Mid-Atlantic ocean planning and inform [...]

Northeast RPB Provides Additional Information on Upcoming Forum and RPB/EBM WG Meetings

The Northeast Regional Planning Body today announced that the Oct. 20 Stakeholder Forum will take place in Durham, NH.  Registration is accessible here.  In addition, the RPB’s Nov. 16-17 meeting will take place in Portland, ME. The RPB meeting is expected to include review of revised draft products and discussion of the RPB’s future work, [...]

MARCO Posts Materials from July 2015 Webinar

The Mid-Atlantic Regional Council on the Ocean today posted the following materials from its July 13, 2015 webinar regarding its projects in support of Mid-Atlantic ocean planning: Participant list PowerPoint List of webinar questions from the public Webinar recording The Mid-Atlantic Regional Council on the Ocean was established in 2009 by the Governors of New [...]