Archive | August, 2021

Interior Sec., CEQ Chair Highlight Offshore Wind Opportunities in CA

Interior Sec. Deb Haaland and White House Council on Environmental Quality Chair Brenda Mallory today met with U.S. Rep. Jared Huffman (D-CA), California Energy Commissioner Karen Douglas, and tribal and community leaders to talk about wind energy opportunities off California and took a tour of the Port of Humboldt Bay.  Meeting topics included needs of California’s offshore wind industry, planned [...]

30×30 Working Group Established, Holds Inaugural Meeting

The White House today announced the establishment and inaugural meeting of the 25-member  “America the Beautiful Interagency Working Group.”  Co-chaired by Council on Environmental Quality Chair Brenda Mallory, Interior Sec. Deb Haaland, Agriculture Sec. Tom Vilsack, and Commerce Sec. Gina Raimondo, the group was created to coordinate federal efforts to implement the Biden administration’s initiative to conserve and restore at [...]

NMFS Revises Southern Resident Killer Whale Critical Habitat

NOAA’s National Marine Fisheries Service today announced its issuance of a final rule effective Wednesday, Sept. 1 revising critical habitat for the Southern Resident killer whale distinct population segment by designating six additional coastal critical habitat areas along the U.S. West Coast.  The areas include 15,910 square miles of waters between the 20-ft. and 656.2-ft. depth contours from [...]