Archive | June, 2019

CEQ Releases Summary of Ocean Policy Committee Meeting

The Council on Environmental Quality today published a summary of the new interagency Ocean Policy Committee’s meeting on June 12. During the meeting, the Committee received updates from the Ocean Resource Management and Ocean Science & Technology Subcommittees.  The ORM Subcommittee continues to work with agencies to compile federal data to meet regional data needs and will develop a [...]

BOEM Seeks Indications of Interest for Renewable Transmission off NY/NJ

The Bureau of Ocean Energy Management today announced that it is seeking indications of competitive interest by Friday, July 19 in providing commercial renewable energy transmission in federal waters off New York and New Jersey, as well as public input regarding the New York and New Jersey Ocean Grid proposal submitted by Anbaric Development Partners, LLC. The Ocean Grid [...]

Groups Mark 1-Year Anniversary of New Ocean Policy

Marking the 1-year anniversary of the establishment of the nation’s new ocean policy to advance U.S. economic, security, and environmental interests, commercial and recreational groups from around the country today issued the following statements of continued support for this effort. NATIONAL OCEAN POLICY COALITION “Our new policy for the nation’s oceans, coasts, and Great Lakes is [...]

BOEM Announces Path Forward for Offshore Wind Leasing

Acting BOEM Director Walter Cruickshank today released a message regarding his agency’s overall offshore wind leasing strategy and announcing the path forward. Noting that Atlantic and Pacific federal waters provide “a world-class wind resource” and that the ocean is “already a very busy place,” Cruickshank called stakeholder engagement “an essential part” of BOEM’s renewable energy program [...]

NMFS Highlights New Plans for Engaging Recreational Fishermen

NOAA’s National Marine Fisheries Service today highlighted the agency’s development of 6 region-specific plans to connect and collaborate with the recreational fishing community “where they live and fish” (Alaska, Atlantic Highly Migratory Species, Greater Atlantic, Pacific Islands, Southeast, West Coast).  Release of the plans, which the agency calls “the latest step in NOAA Fisheries’ continued commitment to strengthening our relationship with saltwater recreational [...]

NOPC Adopts A Beach

NOPC is excited to announce that we have adopted a beach at 16 Mile Road in Galveston, Texas!  Our first cleanup will be on Saturday, June 22.  Please contact us for details if you are interested in participating.