Archive by Author

BOEM Seeks Competitive Interest, Comments on Potential GOM Wind Leasing

The Interior Department’s Bureau of Ocean Energy Management today announced that it is seeking requests for competitive interest and public comments by Thursday, Sept. 12 on commercial leasing for wind energy development on ~142,000 acres of federal waters offshore southeast Texas. The request follows an unsolicited application from Hecate Energy for two commercial wind energy leases [...]

MARCO to Host Mid-Atlantic Ocean Conservation Symposium

The Mid-Atlantic Regional Council on the Ocean will host an Ocean Conservation Symposium on Oct. 1-3 at Monmouth University in West Long Branch, NJ. The event will include interactive discussions, presentations, and field tours exploring the state of Mid-Atlantic ocean conservation, including ongoing and planned marine biodiversity and habitat research, and highlight efforts that advance [...]

NMFS Seeks Comments on Potential Alabama Shad ESA Listing

NOAA’s National Marine Fisheries Service today announced that it is seeking scientific and commercial information by Monday, Sept. 23 related to its finding that an Endangered Species Act listing of the Alabama shad as threatened or endangered may be warranted.  The species is found in the Gulf of Mexico. The finding follows a petition filed [...]

Marine Fisheries Advisory Committee to Hold Public Meeting

NOAA’s National Marine Fisheries Service today announced that the Marine Fisheries Advisory Committee will hold a virtual public meeting on Monday, Aug. 27. The meeting will include discussion on proposed comments and recommendations on NMFS’ revised draft Ecosystem-Based Fisheries Management Roadmap. Established in 1972, the Committee advises and reviews the adequacy of living marine resources policies and programs to meet the needs of commercial and [...]

NOAA Announces Designation of Lake Ontario NMS, SAC Members Sought

NOAA’s Office of National Marine Sanctuaries (ONMS) today announced that the final rule designating the Lake Ontario National Marine Sanctuary is effective as of July 22, 2024.  Comprising ~1,720 square miles of eastern Lake Ontario waters, the sanctuary is co-managed by NOAA and the State of New York. ONMS also announced that it is seeking applications [...]

Defense Dept. Releases 2024 Arctic Strategy

The U.S. Defense Department today announced the release of its 2024 Arctic Strategy, with Deputy Defense Secretary Kathleen Hicks calling the U.S. Arctic region “critical to the defense of our homeland, the protection of U.S. national sovereignty and the preservation of our defense treaty commitments” and noting that the Strategy “will guide the department’s efforts [...]

USCG Seeks Nominee for National Offshore Safety Advisory Committee

The U.S. Coast Guard today announced that it is seeking applications by Monday, Sept. 20 from individuals interested in filling the offshore mineral and energy resources exploration representative vacancy on the National Offshore Safety Advisory Committee. The Committee provides advice and recommendations to the Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security regarding matters relating to the safety of the offshore mineral and energy exploration activities.

NMFS Highlights UN Endorsement of Sustainable Aquaculture Guidelines

NOAA’s National Marine Fisheries Service today highlighted the United Nations Food and Agriculture’s endorsement of new Guidelines for Sustainable Aquaculture, noting NOAA’s role in informing the new guidelines and “ensure the needs of North American aquaculture sectors were represented in the guidelines while balancing the needs of countries worldwide.” The Guidelines are built around principles surrounding [...]

NMFS Seeks Comments on Oceanic Whitetip Shark ESA Review

NOAA’s National Marine Fisheries Service today announced that it is seeking comments by Monday, Sept. 9 on its initiation of a 5-year review for the threatened oceanic whitetip shark.  The review is being undertaken to determine whether the species should be delisted or reclassified under the Endangered Species Act.

G7 Science & Tech. Mtg. Communique Endorses Natural Capital Accounting

The White House Office of Science and Technology Policy today highlighted the participation of OSTP Director and Assistant to the President for Science and Technology Arati Prabhakar at the Group of Seven (G7) Science and Technology Ministerial Meeting held in Italy July 9-11. In doing so, it noted the G7 Science and Technology Ministers’ Meeting Communique [...]