NOAA’s National Marine Fisheries Service today announced that it is seeking comments on the following Draft 2022-2024 Climate Science Regional Action Plans by Thursday, June 2: Southeast (South Atlantic/ Gulf of Mexico/Caribbean); Northeast; Gulf of Alaska; Eastern Bering Sea; Beaufort and Chukchi Seas; California Current Large Marine Ecosystem; Pacific Islands.
NMFS said that the plans are intended to increase the production, delivery, and use of climate-related information in furtherance of the agency’s living marine resources stewardship mission, and cited agency efforts to provide decision-makers with information needed to reduce climate change impacts and increase resilience of marine resources and people who depend on them.
NOAA specifically seeks comments on the clarity of the draft plans’ goals and activities, how to strengthen the draft plans and activities, and additional goals and activities that need to be addressed.
Climate Science Regional Action Plans were first developed in 2016 following NMFS’ release of a Climate Science Strategy in 2015.