Former NOAA Administrator Appointed to WH OSTP Position

The White House Office of Science and Technology Policy today announced the appointment of former NOAA Administrator Jane Lubchenco to serve as OSTP Deputy Director of Climate & Environment, a new role that OSTP said “will bring science-based solutions to tackle climate change & help our economy Build Back Better.”

In an interview with The Washington Post following her appointment, Lubchenco said that when it comes to addressing climate change,”[t]he ocean has been pretty much out of sight and out of mind,” stating that a big question is “[h]ow do we use the ocean without using it up?”

In her new role, Lubchenco recently moderated a virtual event on ocean-based climate solutions with Special Presidential Envoy for Climate John KerryEnergy Secretary Jennifer Granholm, and officials from other countries, telling Axios that many nations “[a]re coming together to demonstrate their commitment to ambitious ocean climate action.”  She added that “[t]here’s no doubt that the ocean has been a victim of climate change” and “[w]hat the new science is telling us, and these leaders are now incorporating into their actions, is that the ocean can also be a powerful source of solutions.”

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