Archive | September, 2021

USCG Reopens Comment Period on Draft Northern NY Bight PARS Report

As part of its efforts to carry out a Port Access Route Study for the Northern New York Bight, the Coast Guard today announced that it is reopening the comment period through Thursday, Sept. 30 on the content and development of a draft report evaluating the adequacy of existing vessel routing measures and whether additional routing measures are needed [...]

BOEM Announces Gulf of Mexico Lease Sale Record of Decision

The Interior Dept.’s Bureau of Ocean Energy Management today announced a Record of Decision for Gulf of Mexico Lease Sale 257, with a preferred alternative for a proposed regionwide lease sale covering the Western and Central Planning Areas and the portion of the Eastern Planning Area not subject to a congressional moratorium.  A lease sale is expected in [...]

Marine Debris Committee to Hold Public Meeting

NOAA’s National Ocean Service today announced that the Interagency Marine Debris Coordinating Committee will hold a virtual public meeting on Wednesday, Sept. 29.  The meeting will address federal marine debris activities, with a particular focus on FY 2021 achievements and FY 2022 planned activities. The Committee was established under the Marine Debris Act in 2006 and tasked with coordinating [...]