The National Ocean Council (NOC), which came into existence on July 19 when President Obama signed an Executive Order for the Stewardship of Our Oceans, Coasts, and Great Lakes, has set forth nine priority objectives for a national ocean policy. The objectives, as described on the NOC’s website, are listed below: 1. Ecosystem-Based Management: Adopt [...]
UNESCO Marine Spatial Planning Publications
2009 EHLER C., DOUVERE F. 2009. Marine spatial planning: A step-by-step approach toward ecosystem-based management. Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission and Man and the Biosphere Programme. IOC Manual and Guides (pdf, 9.14 MB), No. 53, IOCAM Dosier No. 6, Paris, UNESCO. DOUVERE F., EHLER C. 2009. Ecosystem-based Marine Spatial Management: An Evolving Paradigm for the Management [...]
Marine Spatial Planning: A Step-by-Step Approach Toward Ecosystem-based Management
A report by the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission. PDF Version.
Shore News Today: Local fishermen say President needs to cut bait on ocean protection order – August 30, 2010
Shore News Today: Local fishermen say President needs to cut bait on ocean protection order More than two dozen strong, they blasted their air horns as they entered the harbor in Martha’s Vineyard last Thursday. The flotilla, a mix of recreational and commercial fishermen from coastal communities across the Northeast, was in Massachusetts to protest [...]
Michelle Malkin: And Now: The Stealth Obama Ocean Grab – August 20, 2010
Michelle Malkin: And Now: The Stealth Obama Ocean Grab Creators Syndicate – It’s not enough that the White House is moving to lock up hundreds of millions of acres of land in the name of environmental protection. The Obama administration’s neon green radicals are also training their sights on the deep blue seas. The president’s [...]
EPA: Draft Clean Water Strategy Is Released – August 20, 2010
EPA: Draft Clean Water Strategy Is Released The Coming Together for Clean Water event and online discussion gave us a lot to think about regarding how EPA can most effectively pursue our nation’s clean water goals. After a lot of consideration, we’ve developed this draft strategy to outline how we hope to accomplish those goals…
ESPN Outdoors: What the NOC means for anglers – August 7, 2010
August 7, 2010 ESPN Outdoors: What the NOC means for anglers The deal is done and a structure is in place that could lead to the closure of at least some recreational fisheries …
Office of Alaska Governor Sean Parnell: State Fights Federal Actions Threatening Jobs – August 5, 2010
Office of Governor Sean Parnell: State Fights Federal Actions Threatening Jobs August 5, 2010, Anchorage, Alaska – The State of Alaska is taking steps to fight two recent federal government actions that threaten Alaska fisheries and jobs…